

(麻) 一部分だけ無侵襲に分かっても意味ない?


Anesthesiology. 2012 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print]  PMID: 23042225
Comparison between Respiratory Variations in Pulse Oximetry Plethysmographic Waveform Amplitude and Arterial Pulse Pressure during Major Abdominal Surgery.

PPVとΔPOP(パルスオキシメータから得られるdynamic parameter)の相関性を開腹術で見ています。ΔPOPはPPVとの相関性に乏しいということです。無侵襲にかつ信頼性をもって輸液反応性が判断できるようになるのはもう少し先なんでしょうか。PPVも限界がある状態ですし・・・。ASA2012でもパルスオキシメータから得られる動的パラメータとSVVとの相関性が低いというポスター発表を拝見しましたし・・・。

上記論文についてのeditorialはfreeで読めます。Dr. Cannessonが記載してます。
Anesthesiology: November 2012 - Volume 117 - Issue 5 - p 937–939
Noninvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring: No High Heels on the Farm; No Clogs to the Opera.

その中でDr. Cannessonは以下のように書いています。
Consequently, such a subtle hemodynamic parameter as ΔPOP will probably not replace the arterial line in the near future. This is probably the main message carried by the Hengy et al. study; choosing the most appropriate hemodynamic monitor is context dependent (“no high heels on the farm; no clogs to the opera”). During high-risk surgery, invasive and more robust signals should still be preferred. However, there is no justification in using invasive lines in patients who are at lower risks. As recently demonstrated by Hood et al., a noninvasive parameter such as ΔPOP still has significant clinical potential in this less challenging and more standardized situation.

Br J Anaesth. 2008 Aug;101(2):200-6. Epub 2008 Jun 2.
のconclusionsにおいて自ら、「PVI, an automatic and continuous monitor of DeltaPOP, can predict fluid responsiveness non-invasively in mechanically ventilated patients during general anaesthesia. This index has potential clinical applications.」

術中のgoal directed fluid therapyは行き詰まってる感がしますね・・・。